Many people with excoriation disorder have limited resources in their lives to combat the daily challenges due to the lack of awareness and stigmatizing nature of this body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). Interacting in online forums can alleviate feelings of shame by hearing other’s stories or through sharing your own struggles.
- Dermatillomania Awareness – The largest facebook group for skin pickers. Co-moderated by Angela Hartlin.
- Dermatillomania (Skin-Picking) Support Group – A facebook group “for sufferers of dermatillomania who need the support of others who are going through the same thing.“
- Skin Pick Forum – The forum for
- Reddit – Two growing subreddits; /r/calmhands and /r/compulsiveskinpicking
- Pickaderms – A Yahoo forum with over 2000 members
- Proboards – A place where users can talk anonymously about anything skin picking related.
* Dermatillomanie * (German)